Ultimate D.I.Y. Chicken Coop Refresher

Are you looking for a good eco friendly way to keep your chickens coop clean and smelling refreshed? Below we will show you how to make the Ultimate D.I.Y. Chicken Coop Refresher. 

What We Used And Why

Besides the fact that the herbs and flowers we use make our coop smell loads better. Many of the herbs and flowers we use have natural super powers that truly benefit our chickens cleanliness, happiness , and overall health 

Many of these flowers and herbs are easy to grow and you probably already have a few of them growing in your garden. If not that’s ok you can easily purchase bulk herbs, spices, and flowers online.  We used a mix of purchased items, scavenged items, and some home grown goodies to make our mix. Use what you have and what you can easily source.

  • Oregano – a natural antibiotic, antifungal, and antimicrobial – Oregano is so effective for chickens and the coop that some commercial coops will use oregano in place of antibiotics.
  • Chamomile – deters mites, lice & fleas. and is relaxing for the chickens
  • Calendula – an amazing natural healer. But also deters insects, anti inflammatory, and antimicrobial 
  • Lavender – a natural stress reliever & increase blood circulation (Bonus: smells amazing)
  • Lemon Balm – also a natural stress reliever, calming and antibacterial properties
  • Mint – (Peppermint, Spearmint) – deters insects & rodents Can also aid in digestion and give the chickens a boost of energy. Apparently improves egg production. Any type of mint is a great herb for chickens
  • Rose Petals – provides vitamins C, A, E & B3, 
  • Echinacea – stimulates the chickens immune system. Improves health overall
  • Yarrow – aids in overall respiratory health and guards against bacteria. 
  • Sage – we use wild sage from the Twisted Pinon property. It smells fantastic and its a free resource. It also has anti-parasite properties and is a great promoter of overall health. Especially for laying hens
  • Wild Catnip – is calming & deters insects ( we didnt add catnip this round, but I usually put it in, and Im trying to grow alot of it for next year)
  • Basil –  It has antibacterial properties and can repel flies and mosquitoes
  • Dill – Great relazing herb, that also stimulates chickens digestion

Now take this and use what you have available to you and mix up a coop refresher for your chickens. Your nose will surely thank you every time you go out to your coop to collect the days eggs.  We simply mix all the ingredients together in a five gallon bucket and sprinkle the coop and nest boxes every couple of days. It keeps everything smelling nice and keeps the birds happy and healthy.

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